Chrome manage apps
Chrome manage apps

Managed apps and extensions are available. So, don’t worry about that at the moment. Google Apps for Education allows school districts to manage Chrome apps and extensions for teachers and students. Go to APIs & Services > Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth. Thoughts – If you check the MSI version of the properties of that MSI file and compare that with the version which shows in Intune portal, you will get confused. Otherwise, users may see a security warning screen if your app is not internal. The Add Office 365 Suite steps are displayed.


Select Windows 10 in the Office 365 Suite section of the Select app type pane. Legacy Browser Support enables IT to choose which apps are opened in a legacy browser, while employees stay productive and secure using the broader web on a.Watch video For legacy apps, Legacy Browser Support has been a lifesaver. The chromebookInventory script is for super-admins only, to be used on Google Apps domains with Chrome Device Management Console licenses - used to manage. I don’t know how it is getting that MSI version details when we select the Google Chrome MSI. Chrome browser management - Chrome Enterprise Home Browser Management Legacy Browser Support Legacy Browser Support enables IT to choose which apps are opened in a legacy browser, while employees stay productive and secure using the broader web on a modern browser.

chrome manage apps

I don’t think you have to worry about the application version shown Intune console. The creation of the application is straightforward as I have shown in the video (Google Chrome Deployment options). To do this, right-click on the Bookmarks bar and select Show apps shortcut from the popup menu. If you don’t see the Apps icon, you need to show it. Once you log in to the device management portal you can go to the windows application and start creating Intune LOB application. The Apps page in Chrome can be accessed using the Apps shortcut on the Bookmarks bar. To create Intune line of business (LOB) application, you need to log into the device management portal.

chrome manage apps

Google Chrome Deployment using Intune Line of Business Application Create Intune Chrome Browser Line of Business App

Chrome manage apps