Īnd there is a similar thread here, you can check it here: You will also have your local copy of attributes (stylable) from from here.
Just as document KeyboardView adviced, the only solution Google suggests is to copy KeyboardView.java and Keyboard.java files to our local project from Android AOSP. If you have already depended on this class, consider copying the implementation from AOSP into your project or re-implementing a similar widget by yourselves This class is deprecated because this is just a convenient UI widget class that application developers can re-implement on top of existing public APIs. This class was deprecated in API level 29. _keyboardView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible Var bottomUp = AnimationUtils.LoadAnimation(this, _up) _targetView = FindViewById(Resource.Id.target) _keyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener = new MyKeyboardListener(this) _keyboardView = FindViewById(Resource.Id.keyboard_view) Set our view from the "main" layout resource Protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) MainActivity.cs [Activity(Label = "App14", MainLauncher = true, Icon = class MainActivity : Activity Public void OnKey(Keycode primar圜ode, Keycode ke圜odes) Public class MyKeyboardListener :, KeyboardView.IOnKeyboardActionListener Public class KeyboardOnTextEventArgs : EventArgs Public class KeyboardKe圜odeEventArgs : EventArgs Yes, you can create a Custom Android Keyboard.įor this, you can refer to the following code: public class KeyboardOnKeyEventArgs : KeyboardKe圜odeEventArgs